Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life is full of Distractions...

Successfully made it through my 12 class! I once again braved the front row. and it felt great! My favorite quote of the class was (that's right, if my teacher says something inspiring, I'm going to write it down!):
"Everything is yoga, nothing is a distraction."
 This really resonated with me for two reasons.

1) I have really begun noticing how yoga is affecting other areas of my life. The best way to describe it is that I just feel zen, all the time. Things that in the past would have stressed me out don't anymore. I look at any obstacles in my path more as opportunities to challenge myself rather than obstacles, and I know that everything will work out.

2) Boy was a feeling distracted in this class! Every time I tried to clear my mind, thoughts just kept popping up! And I couldn't stop fidgeting (which you should try to keep to a minimum, since it can distract you...which is exactly what was going on!) I was getting really frustrated with myself for my lack of concentration, until my teacher said this. I was like "Wait, what? Nothing is a distraction? So, all these thoughts I'm having.... they're all yoga? They sure do feel like distractions..."

And then I had one of those AHA! moments. These unbidden thoughts were rising from my subconscious during my yoga class because they were things that I need to think about (mostly my future-related, more on that in posts to come...). My mind was saying "Hey dummy! Your future requires some thought right now!"

So I spent a good part of the rest of the day doing just that, even though I had some other things that were needing to be done (there's always something else, right?). And I think I made some progress on decisions that I feel good about. Like I said, more on that to come!

Now, back to the present (that's what yoga is all about right? Be here! Be now!). Before I can get to my future, I need to close the current chapter in my life: grad school! Almost there....


P.S. I think yesterday I was also starting to suffer from some electrolyte imbalance... I tried the sea salt in your water thing and it was really gross! I think I'm going to pick up some Gatorade today, even though I know it has a lot of sugar in it.... I happen to prefer sugar in my drinks over salt, is that crazy?? Ha.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm loving the posts! When do we get another one ;)
