Sunday, July 8, 2012

Feel the burn....

Yesterday was officially my 16th day of Bikram in a row! Yay, past the half point mark! It has definitely been an amazing experience so far.

Yesterday was one of my roughest classes so far. Let just say.... I don't recommend Bikram when sunburned! I was feeling extra hot because the burned areas of my skin were way hotter than usual. My sweat was not cooling me down as well as it usually does. And worst of all, any of the poses that involved applying pressure to the burned areas of my skin were quite painful. (Think: I'm burned on my upper/inner thighs since that area hardly sees sun. Tree stand was so painful that I sat out for toe stand!) 

And yes, I am more burned on one side of my face than the other.... And yes, I have a tan line from my sunglasses... attractive, right??

Trust me, the pictures don't do it justice! I couldn't figure out a way to tactfully take a picture of my legs, so you will just have to trust me on that one. It is definitely the most painful area to be sunburned because it hurts every time I bend at the hips.

How did I get so burned you ask? Well, I went swimming before class. I was actually pretty worried about hydration, but that turned out not to be the issue. I should have been more worried about sun protection! I am contemplating skipping today and doing a double tomorrow in hopes that the burn will be drastically better tomorrow... Or maybe not...

I am going to a different yoga class today. I have been reading a lot about different types of yoga and I have heard from other Bikram enthusiasts that flow/power yoga is rather satisfying, so I'm going to try out an Atma Flow Yoga class. I'll let you know what I think!


  1. Jade, burned?! I can't remember the last time you were burned that badly... :(

    I am excited to learn more about the flow/power yoga though! Feel better soon girl!

  2. I know! I hardly ever burn! It was quite unexpected.
