Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Beginnings

This has been my theme this week! I'm finishing things up with school (well, I'm supposed to be!) and starting to get things in order to move back to Texas. Getting my head wrapped around moving back to Texas has been bittersweet. I mean, I have had a great two years here and I had meant to stay here for a while in the beginning. I really do love it here and I have met some amazing people over the past couple of years and it makes me sad to leave this life I made for myself here. Then again, I have missed my family and my friends from home so much and going back to that will be great as well.

I have definitely had a few moments of serious doubts about this move. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? Is this what's best for me? Am I leaving Utah too soon? These questions all deserved some serious consideration over the past week and I needed to weigh my options against each other.

I had to examine what it was I really wanted to experience in my near future. I have really set my heart on taking some time off of the stressful things in life and enjoy life instead. What this means to me is that I would like to work on a part-time basis so that I have time to dabble in the many other interests I have. After looking around at possible job options here in Utah, I realized that if I really wanted to only work part-time and have time for myself, living here just wouldn't be financially possible. If I did make it work, I would be constantly stressed out about my money situation. So, in the end, as much as I love it here in Utah, I have decided to follow my heart and definitely move back to Texas. Yay for new beginnings!

Okay, rewind a week.... I defended my thesis last week and.... drumroll..... It went amazingly well! I totally rocked it. I was hardly nervous at all and stayed cool and collected the whole time. I received numerous compliments on my composure and being well spoken, which I have to say is a first! I will be the first one to tell you that I'm not very well spoken. I have a tendency to blurt out things that aren't what I mean, don't make sense, or have the potential to be taken the wrong way. During presentations especially, I typically talk in circles and like lots of "umm, like, you know." NOT THIS TIME :) Heck yes.

Honestly, I give all the credit for my calm composure, non-nervousness, and well-spokeness (yes, I have made up a few words here) to.... my Bikram practice! (I'm sure everyone saw that coming). My mind was just so clutter free that all the right words were rolling off my tongue! And I just had this confidence going into the presentation that surprised even me. I knew I was going to be awesome, and I just was! (Law of attraction, anyone?)

Speaking of yoga! I'm sad to report that I did not finish my 30 day challenge. However, I do not view this as a failure in the least bit. Honestly, I got really super close! 23 classes in 24 days with 3 doubles in there. I did a fantastic job!

But, after my defense I was incredibly drained, both physically and mentally. And that's when I ended my challenge. If I have learned anything over this last semester, it's that self care is super important. In addition, my recent yoga practice has really taught me to listen to my body. So I listened to my body and did exactly what it told me it needed. I took the rest of the week off from everything, including yoga. Like I said, this was not a failure for me. Yoga teaches you to roll with the punches and accept what life gives you, and that's exactly what happened here. Life happens (e.g. defense) and that's ok. My defense was an important event in my life and I deserved time to recover from doing such an awesome job! After my move to Texas I definitely plan on beginning another 30 day challenge! Hopefully I can get my mom into it too :) Mwahaha.

I have gone back to yoga this week and I have to tell you, that first class was sooo hard! I got through the whole class thinking "don't throw up!" Good news is that I didn't throw up, and I'm going back today. I know each day it will be a little easier.

Now to get back to wrapping up all my loose ends at school and in my apartment! 


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