Monday, July 2, 2012

Why not?

So, I've decided to take a stab at this blogging thing. That's right, this is my first blog EVER. I never really understood the pull to blog. Yeah, maybe if you were going on a trip and you wanted to document the experience for yourself and others, but just about everyday life? Didn't get it.

Lately I have gotten into the habit of starting off my day reading other people's blogs, usually about topics that I've lately become interested in (so far, polyphasic sleeping schedules and Bikram yoga). As a result of some of the things I have been going through the past few months (more on that later!) I've found that I have a lot of thoughts, many of which I wish I had someone to share them with. So yesterday, I had an epiphany! I should start a blog :) I'm not sure who will be interested in reading my thoughts (other than my best friend!!!) but at least I can put them out there for people to read if they want.

So, I'm going to try to not to make this first post too long (which is difficult since I've been saving up thoughts for at least a week!) but I would like to give everyone a quick run down on what things in my life have led me to starting this blog.

In a nutshell, I'm a graduate student well on my way to being done with school (personal triumph!). Unfortunately, this last year, mostly last semester, has been a rather rough patch for me. I was dealing with a bout of depression, rather worse than the episode I had experienced in undergrad. To top it all off, my wonderful boyfriend got a job offer out of state, one that we both felt we could not pass up. So, now we are doing long distance, which didn't seem like a big deal at first. We have been together for quite a while and done long distance in the past. What made this different was that we had now been living together for a while before his move out of state. I definitely had not realized how intertwined our lives had become and his leaving was quite the disruption, a disruption which made my depression quite a but worse. My symptoms were actually quite tolerable before he left.

As I have clawed my way out of this last depressive episode, I have learned a lot about who I am and what makes me happy. What has really kick started this blogging desire has been my recent Bikram yoga practice. As I mentioned earlier, I have been reading other Bikram yoga blogs lately and have been amazed at some of the experiences I have read about. I was first introduced to Bikram about two years ago and instantly fell in love. As amazing as it made me feel, I never had the determination or the funds to have a consistent practice. Well, this summer, towards the end of my depression, I decided "Screw time and money! I think Bikram yoga is just what I need right now!" Even though money was tight, and I had a million other things that needed to be done (like my thesis!) I was very lucky to be able to "screw time and money." I know that is not something that is available to everyone.

In the beginning, I still had difficulty with a regular practice. I practiced roughly for two weeks then stopped for about a month. Well, 11 days ago I decided that if I was going to have a regular practice, I needed to make some sort of commitment, or else it was never going to happen! So, I started a 30 day challenge. I have successfully been doing it for 10 days (a third of the way through!) and have already begun to notice changes in body and mind.

This post is beginning to get a little long, so I think I will stop here for now. Basically, what I want this blog to be about is my journey out of my depression and how I am slowly starting to love my life. I want to talk about the things that make this journey possible, and at this moment that has a lot to do with my Bikram practice.


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