"Everything is yoga, nothing is a distraction."This really resonated with me for two reasons.
1) I have really begun noticing how yoga is affecting other areas of my life. The best way to describe it is that I just feel zen, all the time. Things that in the past would have stressed me out don't anymore. I look at any obstacles in my path more as opportunities to challenge myself rather than obstacles, and I know that everything will work out.
2) Boy was a feeling distracted in this class! Every time I tried to clear my mind, thoughts just kept popping up! And I couldn't stop fidgeting (which you should try to keep to a minimum, since it can distract you...which is exactly what was going on!) I was getting really frustrated with myself for my lack of concentration, until my teacher said this. I was like "Wait, what? Nothing is a distraction? So, all these thoughts I'm having.... they're all yoga? They sure do feel like distractions..."
And then I had one of those AHA! moments. These unbidden thoughts were rising from my subconscious during my yoga class because they were things that I need to think about (mostly my future-related, more on that in posts to come...). My mind was saying "Hey dummy! Your future requires some thought right now!"
So I spent a good part of the rest of the day doing just that, even though I had some other things that were needing to be done (there's always something else, right?). And I think I made some progress on decisions that I feel good about. Like I said, more on that to come!
Now, back to the present (that's what yoga is all about right? Be here! Be now!). Before I can get to my future, I need to close the current chapter in my life: grad school! Almost there....
P.S. I think yesterday I was also starting to suffer from some electrolyte imbalance... I tried the sea salt in your water thing and it was really gross! I think I'm going to pick up some Gatorade today, even though I know it has a lot of sugar in it.... I happen to prefer sugar in my drinks over salt, is that crazy?? Ha.
Yay! I'm loving the posts! When do we get another one ;)